
  • Blog,  personal

    Appreciating Platonic Love

    The older I’m getting I’m realizing how cold and harsh the world can be, how unforgiving it can get. To have people in your life who know you and have watched you enter different phases in your life, whether as a friend, a family member, a teacher, or a neighbour--- this is a huge blessing that we should not take for granted. Lately I've been wondering if these kind of community bonds are disappearing, or if I ever really experienced it at all....

  • Blog,  personal

    I feel like I betray my art too much. A thought

    I think it’s so funny that artists seem to be their own worst enemy. The process of creating art is suppose to be a place of freedom, but it’s easy to get caught up and trip over your own feet. Especially if you’re trying to make a certain vision come true. For me, because I’ve just started my journey, one my biggest blockages on a personal level, has been the old version of me. It’s really a struggle trying to tug misconceptions or past versions of yourself out of people’s hands. I’d love to be more daring and take more risks, I want to be more weirder and show more…

  • Blog,  personal

    Micro-failures are actually wins — What I’ve been learning

    I think it can get so discouraging if you are trying to achieve something and you are constantly hit with setbacks and failures. Failures (for me at least) can turn into seeds of self-doubt and can take a huge toll on ones self-esteem. With so much failures it's very easy to want to give up, but we don't want that. #nowayhoze.

  • Blog,  personal

    “Your Work is Nice, But Who Reads Anymore?”

    We know that trends come and go, and certain styles and presentation of art is more preferred than others. I think it is safe to say that we are in a time where reading is not as popular as other forms of media. I personally don’t know why that is, maybe we have become such a fast paced environment, it’s hard to find the time to read? Or since media has become a place of escapism, many times we want to avoid thinking, rather than sparking it? I really don’t know, but I know many avid readers in my life (including me) so I hate hearing those pessimistic takes, “reading…

  • Blog,  personal

    Why I Deleted My (personal) Instagram

    You know how people say, “social media isn’t for everyone”? I’m really one of those people. If it wasn’t for the overwhelming feeling to want to share what I’ve been making, or share the random thoughts I sometimes have, nobody would ever know I existed. Yet despite this “overwhelming feeling” (I am too scared to say love) there is something about that app that doesn’t sit right in my spirit. Not if, but when Maybe this was just me, but did you ever come across people on your timeline, who seem like they have it all together, or are extremely skilled at what they do, and just say “damn… I…

  • Blog,  personal

    The Problem with Investing in Tomorrow

    Living in this time we are faced with so much pressure to perform. To be graduated at a certain age, to have a prestigious job, to be successful. And now with social media, with the beautiful price of $0 you can get an additional pressure to constantly fit trends and beauty standards. Like damn, it can get so overwhelming.....