Buying flowers and enjoying the breeze. (Also some Eid pics)
☁️ Buying flowers and enjoying the breeze ☁️
Appreciating Platonic Love
The older I’m getting I’m realizing how cold and harsh the world can be, how unforgiving it can get. To have people in your life who know you and have watched you enter different phases in your life, whether as a friend, a family member, a teacher, or a neighbour--- this is a huge blessing that we should not take for granted. Lately I've been wondering if these kind of community bonds are disappearing, or if I ever really experienced it at all....
A little ramble on this weird thing called Life- a personal reflection
☁️ I want to share with you guys a thought I wrote in my private journal
As a Somali, This is what I’m learning from Rwanda
☁️ a small lesson I took from Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills
Photo-film Wall DIY
☁️ House parties are so underrated these days! Honestly it's so much more memorable and comfortable to have parties at home.
“living slowly” and appreciating the small joys- A personal reflection
☁️ "nature doesn't hurry, yet everything is accomplished"
An attempt at Somali Calligraphy
‘Atomic Habits’ reflection: Feeling lost is a good thing
For this last section, I wanted to talk about a thought that was sparked while reading this book, even though it doesn't have anything to do with habits. I really recommend you pick up this book if you get the chance, it taught me a lot.
I feel like I betray my art too much. A thought
I think it’s so funny that artists seem to be their own worst enemy. The process of creating art is suppose to be a place of freedom, but it’s easy to get caught up and trip over your own feet. Especially if you’re trying to make a certain vision come true. For me, because I’ve just started my journey, one my biggest blockages on a personal level, has been the old version of me. It’s really a struggle trying to tug misconceptions or past versions of yourself out of people’s hands. I’d love to be more daring and take more risks, I want to be more weirder and show more…
As an African diaspora investing my future into Africa, I wonder, what will the growth in the next 20 years look like?
☁️ I reflect on the recent changes of Africa's image and questioning my role as a diaspora