
  • Blog,  review

    A Box.

    Went shopping at winners & I bought the cutest box for 7$!!! I was choosing between the one I bought and this one: Ended up going with the book one. TBH I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it yet, probably put my will in it.

  • Blog,  Jummah Reflections

    Why I Crave (financial) Independence

    I have a lot of dreams I want to fulfil. I’d love to own a business, I’d love to see the world, buy cute bags I like, build a city in the jungle nobody knows about. The usual.  And that does motivate me (and I’m sure majority of humans) to sacrifice whatever I can to build on what I have in front of me, but I quickly realized when the going gets tough, my creative passions aren’t enough to push me beyond the minimum. For example, I had this vision board I made to help me get through a tough semester (I can’t believe I’m sharing this looool the pics are…

  • Blog,  Jummah Reflections

    We Don’t Need Anyone But Us

    I’m sure you’ve guys heard about the floods happening in Beledweyne. I don’t need to add to the hundreds of pictures online showing the damages or people waist-deep in water. I do want to share an image that really moved me, taken in Garowe: I admire this man so much. And anyone in Garowe, or other parts of Somalia that are investing their time, money, and resources to help their own. May Allah reward them. Being educated in the west came with a lot of conceptions I am working actively to unlearn. One of them being that there needs to be some sort of western entity, whether a non-profit organization or…

  • Blog,  review,  video

    My Book: Tawwakul for Children & why I wrote it

    Super long overdue but I kind of wanted to talk about this book more in detail and share my little story on how it came to be. Sorry for the audio & video issues at the end, I was too close to the camera so the audio messes up as I moved around, and I kept bumping into it.