Poems,  the homemade remedy

Declaration of Independence

This is a declaration of independence
I hereby declare myself free from all that has been tainted by poison
I declare the sake of my work to be the sake by which I work by
For titles to be not but what I go by
I hereby declare the value of the dollar to be the stepping ground by which I walk on
And not the golden rope
A braid of false fantasies, selfishness, and ego
That I beg to climb 
Only to be hung on
I pledge allegiance to the Most High
And to those who share my same drive
I declare my sole dedication to work that is true to my soul
And to advocate only for that which pushes the culture forward
I declare today that I will call out all evil that I see in control
Even if the hands dipped in poison are from my own
And today I promise to give to the needy 
Only that which has reached my children’s bowl
Today I declare war
On every poisoned individual
In all fields
All across the globe
For the mistakes of the good in history 
Are filled with the naivety
That one can water one’s crops with pure water
Without fear how his neighbour has tended to his own
I pledge allegiance to the Most High 
For if He decides I will not have a place to sleep then I will not have an abode
And if He has not provided for me a meal then I will not eat
And if He decides my soul to be taken tomorrow then tomorrow I die
Today, no man nor dollar can affect me
So I ask you,

What do I have to fear?

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